Friday, October 19, 2012

Why Romney is the Wrong Choice.

It is almost beyond my comprehension that evangelical Christians are going to cast their vote for a Mormon.  Mormon beliefs are quite clear and far different from traditional protestant “Bible Believing Christians”.  It is strange that the party of the “religious right” would settle for a Mormon in the first place.  But as I recall it is only his money and negative ad campaign that eventually won him the nomination over Santorum and Gingrich.  At one time even Cain was beating him.  Now because he had the money to overwhelm the other candidates people are pretending he is the best thing since sliced bread.  I had my doubts from the beginning but, as we have all seen, he is a good fund raiser. 

My religion and faith is all I have apart from my family.  The Mormon Church has always been known as a racist organization that believes in fairytales and their religious tenants are viewed as blasphemy to believers in the “God of the Bible.”  Political expediency can replace faith and ethics with some people, but that is not my way.  As you all know Romney has changed his mind on many things; and on some things several times, e.g. it is just like the Mormon Church changing its view on black skin and polygamy.  Furthermore, I get the impression Romney will say anything to be president.  And I get it; the stakes are high and everyone has an opinion.  However, I cannot pretend to like him for President.  Willard is out of touch with reality and is, in my view, the wrong choice.  There are many websites that support what I have highlighted about the Mormon doctrine and creed including their own (check the Book of Mormon online).  They themselves will not deny the facts even though they have been rushing to hide their true beliefs due to Willard’s run for the white house.  Then again, many say his religion does not matter due to the separation of church and state etc.  But guess what – it matters to me.  This is 2012 and no one who grew up in the midst of a racist organization should be president of anything.  So think about it for yourselves.  When you run for high office full disclosure has always been the norm, why change it now.

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