Thursday, October 18, 2012

The First Black President Did His Job

The First Black President has done his job and made the country proud in the process.

No one can deny that the country had severe problems that were developing just as Obama was coming into office.  Obama took charge of a mess and started work on our recovery.   The whole economy is connected and each job created or lost has an impact on all things economic.  We know that consumer confidence is tied to job security which is linked the GDP which affects stock prices and so on.  With the housing market bubble busting and sending the banks in a downward spiral caused by junk bonds, credit default swaps and the “overrating” mortgage backed security scandal, Obama was walking into a perfect storm of economic collapse.   Then of course the property tax crisis hit pushing cities, counties and municipalities to the brink of bankruptcy due the lack of revenue caused by the housing market crash.  This in turn resulted in millions of police officers, fire fighters, teachers and other public service personnel being laid off, down sized, retrenched and furloughed.  Record high job losses and the fall of Lehman Brothers and a slew of other banks infected by the toxic assets and irresponsible and unethical investment risks all threatened to turn America “the super-power” into a failed nation.  All this while we were engaged in two wars and al-Qaeda continued to transmit threatening messages reminding us of the 911 tragedy that was yet to be properly avenged.

Good Americans were losing their pensions and life savings; coming out of retirement to make ends meet.  The auto industry was failing and people were faced with the reality of having to start over, again.   All this and the first Black President elected in the history of our nation just now walking into his new job at the white house.  Let us not forget that he had taken on the job as President at some considerable risk to himself.  Let us make no mistake there is no shortage of people who would like to take a shot at President Obama.  Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley and John F. Kennedy are the assassinated presidents to date.  Even Reagan, now remembered so fondly, was almost assassinated while in office.  There are threats made, plans formulated and schemes being hatched to harm the president all the time.  And all this just from the Americans for whom he has vowed to serve.  I do not know if there are any checkable stats but I am sure the secret service has never worked so hard.   It goes without saying that there is much personal risk involved with being elected President of the United States of America.  But he accepted the challenge and he has endured to this point striving to bring back some dignity to the office that was somewhat eroded with his predecessor.

The banks have been stabilized and are profitable again, the stock markets has regained much of the loses, the car industry has rebounded, thanks to the bridge loan, and the housing market is no longer hemorrhaging equity.  We have had thirty straight months of job growth yielding 4.6 million new private sector jobs.  The war in Iraq is over and we are winding things down in Afghanistan.  The healthcare bill, with its imperfections, will save families from financial ruin making healthcare “affordable.” He passed the Lilly Ledbetter act and won the Noble Peace prize for his efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.  A lot of Americans do not feel Obama has worked hard enough on job creation.  But let us not forget the “Tea Party” wing of the Republican Party that has refused to compromise on anything and stifled every effort he made on jobs for the last two years.  Yes he is our first Black President and many people disagree with him.  But he tried under extraordinarily difficult circumstances.  He said he would lead and he did.  He said he would bring us justice for 911 and he has.  I can live with that.  Nobody is perfect but I give him a nine out of ten for effort.

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