Friday, November 2, 2012

Thoughts on Libya

Is it safe?

In Libya and that region of the world there exists sectarian discontent, tribal conflict, religious contention, political animosity, class and socio-economic friction along with gender and racial persecution.  And note that all these issues are the problems you will find in the good neighborhoods.  All these issues and all that now seems to be part of our concern were controlled by the dictator Muammar Gaddafi who as you know had a great deal of American blood on his hands.  Now he is gone do you really think anyone can fully control the country?  There is a lot of deep rooted social turbulence to be settled some of which may never be settled.  Make no mistake we are only in Libya because they are an oil producer.  The region and country remains volatile with no real policing.  How can you tell freedom fighters who have won “put down your guns and go home?”  As for the American ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, his mission was a labor of love as he knew the country and the people like no other before him.  He also knew that your friend in the morning could be your enemy in the evening.  He knew the danger and accepted the mission and was loved by all the local leaders that knew him.  But the danger was real and too great to be handled with simple diplomacy and protocols.   In short Benghazi is not and could not be made safe.  Gaddafi had a well-equipped army and ruled with an iron fist.  Now he is gone old wounds and old social conflicts are free to reemerge.  The security needs in that region remains unquantifiable.  Yes our ambassador was killed and we need answers.  But no amount of excuses or explanations will bring him back.  Let’s remember him for his service and not vilify the Obama administration for obvious errors.  The head of the CIA is David Petraeus and I trust his judgment.  Most of the decisions on these issues are based on the advice of his office.  Yes there has been a miscalculation but it pales in comparison to the invasion of Iraq which was a debacle of monumental proportion.  How many lives were needlessly lost there (about 4488 killed since the war began)?  Not to mention Bush and Cheney being convicted of war crimes in violation of the Geneva Conventions in courts all over the world.  Yes I am proud to support Obama he has brought dignity and respect back to the “Office of President”.  We are all in this together is a much better sentiment than every-man for himself.